Eastern Arizona Solar

Solar Battery Storage

Energy Storage Systems 

At Eastern Arizona Solar, we are constantly searching for innovative technology that will provide our customers with impactful solutions. Energy storage is one of those solutions.

What are battery storage systems?

Battery storage systems are able to save surplus energy created by your solar panels. These rechargeable batteries use advanced technology that will allow you to utilize your stored power when you need it most; whether going off-grid or in emergency situations.

How Do They Work?

Your solar panels produce DC (direct current) energy. Battery storage systems convert that DC energy into AC (alternating current) power, which can be used at any time.

Solar Tax Credit

For a limited time, save even more money with Battery Storage Tax Incentives!

Save an additional 26% with the Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit. But dont delay, the program ends December 31st, 2022!

Solar batteries have always been a great investment, but in recent years the cost has gone down by 90%! Combine that with available tax incentives, and it’s clear to see that NOW is the best time to add battery backup to your solar panel

Battery Backup FAQ’s  

It depends on your specific needs. Battery backups provide greater savings long-term, are much quieter when operating, utilize less space, and are more eco-friendly.

Now will save you time and money. Bonus: you can combine these into your solar tax credit savings- saving you even more money now!

Most lithium based solar panel batteries have a lifespan of around 15 years- although life span does change depending on brand used, function, and climate.

12-72 hours depending on usage. Call anytime to get more detailed expectations from our specialists.

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Eastern Arizona Solar

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